What services does Educational Development Inc. offer?

We provide a full spectrum of services for international students, including assistance with admission into Canadian educational institutions, help with immigration and study permits, settlement services upon arrival in Canada, transportation, health insurance, and continuous support throughout your educational journey.

How does Educational Development Inc. assist with university and college admissions?

Our team works closely with students to identify their academic goals and preferences, and then we assist with the application process to secure acceptance into Canadian universities and colleges that best fit their aspirations and qualifications.

Can Educational Development Inc. help with obtaining a study permit?

Yes, we offer comprehensive student immigration assistance, including guidance and assistance in applying for study permits, ensuring that you meet all the requirements for a successful application.

What kind of support can I expect once I arrive in Canada?

Upon your arrival, we provide services to facilitate your initial settlement in Canada, which includes arranging transportation from the airport, finding accommodation, and helping you navigate the Canadian health insurance system

How does Educational Development Inc. track academic progress?

We maintain regular check-ins and provide progress reports to both the student and their sponsors (if applicable). This ensures that students are on track with their academic goals and receive any necessary support or guidance.

Is the staff at Educational Development Inc. easily accessible?

Absolutely. Our staff is dedicated to being available for our students. We ensure that you can easily reach out to us for any concerns or questions you may have throughout your time in Canada.

Does Educational Development Inc. offer any orientation to life in Canada?

Yes, we provide guidance and orientation sessions to help students acclimate to Canadian culture and life. These sessions cover a range of topics, from the basics of daily life to understanding Canadian social norms.

What makes Educational Development Inc. different from other educational service providers?

Our personalized approach sets us apart. We not only assist with the logistical aspects of studying abroad but also provide a caring and supportive environment that considers each student's unique needs and cultural background.

How can I get started with Educational Development Inc.?

You can begin by filling out an inquiry form on our website or by contacting us directly via email or phone. We will then schedule a consultation to discuss your educational ambitions and how we can assist you.

Are there any scholarships or financial aid assistance available through Educational Development Inc.?

While we do not provide financial aid directly, we can guide you to potential scholarships and financial assistance programs for which you may be eligible, and assist you with the application process.

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